Since 1997, MSNI has had thousands of clients in many different industries and we love to connect businesses in our network that can help each other. If you need any of the services listed on this page, MSNI has a provider to refer to you. Please ask us! Find the contact form link below to send us your information and the service referral you need. We are here to help!
Financial Services:
- Merchant Services (credit card acceptance)
- Payroll
- Bookkeeping
- Business Bank (checking, business line of credit, loans, etc…)
- Insurance (business liability, life, health, auto, home, etc…)
- Marketing strategy
- Web Design
- Graphic Designer
- Copywriter
- Printer
- Newsletter
Legal, Logistical, and Civic:
- Lawyer (business, contract, real estate, estate planning)
- Real Estate (Leasing for office space)
- Permits and Licenses
- Human Resources
- IT
Submit this form to ask us for a referral from any of the service providers in our network.